
Matt Mulligan
Hi, I’m Matt Mulligan. I founded Omni over 25 years ago. I have owned and operated a tax resolution firm since my late twenties. I ended up doing this work after being a client of several lawyers and CPA’s back in the ‘80’s, when I owned a sales company that failed. At that time, I accrued a quarter million-dollar IRS tax liability, and over $100,000 tax liability to the state of CA, inside a corporation I owned in California. Back then, if you had a lien filed against you, local lawyers in suits would mail you a solicitation, you’d call them, go to their office, and hand over a big fee. I paid a very polished gentleman $50,000. He gave a lawyer a small sliver of that, I ended up in Chapter 11 court. That went very bad, converted to a chapter 7, then dismissed. I was assessed and eventually owed around $400k personally to the IRS. I was then sold by another lawyer a chapter 13 bankruptcy, that didn’t work either (I defaulted on the 60-month automatic pay plan, bad strategy from the get-go). Next, I hid, the tax liability grew, eventually, I figured out how to deal with the IRS myself, and I settled out the liability for a small fraction of the original amount.
So I went from owning and running a business in my early twenties that was grossing around $1 million a month, to being broke. So, I went to the LA County courthouse, got a seat at the microfiche reader, spent hours a day looking up tax liens, then I called 411, and started talking to other business owners and individuals that owed the IRS. Soon I was driving 1,000 miles a week around CA, running dozens of appointments with tax debtors a month, selling tax debtors on representation. Next came driving to the IRS to sit with IRS Revenue Officers many times a month, setting up pay plans, abating penalties, submitting and arranging Offers In Comprise(s), etc. I usually target big complicated cases, for they were more of a challenge, and I enjoyed the work.
Eventually, I was at a growth crossroads. I decided to grow the company and begin to train staff in this process. Roll forward more than 25 years, and my companies have subsequently and currently employ hundreds of people doing this work, and we save individuals tens of millions a year in taxes. We have helped many tens of thousands of individuals and businesses, and I hope we get the chance to help you. Give us a call, the chat is free, and begin to sleep at night knowing you’re in ethical, fair, extremely competent hands.

Michael Batty

Chrissy Stephens

Brett Tougas

Megan Bogner

LaQuanna McDowell, EA

Pat Towson

Clayton Davis