We are Well Trained in Tax Resolutions

Omni Tax Help is a Tax Liability Relief company who specializes in handling both personal and business tax liability cases around the world. We help solve the most extreme tax liability issues and make it our priority to get people’s lives back on track. Even Though this process can be very tricky, we love helping people get through it from start to finish. Once a result is achieved, it can renew your life! Omni Tax Help is composed of expert tax professionals who are well trained in tax resolution.

An Expert tax agent will hold credentials as an enrolled agent, tax attorney or Certified Public Accountant. Everyone on our team is dedicated to helping you navigate complex tax issues.

What Is Tax Liability Relief?

The IRS has widened their Tax Liability Relief Programs in the past few years. By doing so, it makes the process easier for you to achieve a fair resolution. We understand that life happens and so does the government. Therefore, there are more options offered in solving your tax liability when you find that you can’t pay your taxes. Before applying to a specific program with the IRS, you must find out how much you owe in taxes. If you are not aware of what you owe, Then how can you decide which settlement program would work best for you? Your tax liability balance can be realized through notices sent to you in the mail, placing a call to the IRS or having a tax expert do the investigation for you.

Tax Liability Relief

What Happens If Your unable to pay Back Tax Liability?

Omni Tax Help offers a free consultation to see if you qualify for one of the many programs that are offered. When you know the amount of tax liability you owe and are unable to pay, it would be in your best interest to organize a plan of resolution. If you do not reach out to the IRS to make some type of settlement, they will still actively begin taking collections action against you.  This can be something as simple as notices in the mail or a more forceful method such as liens and levies. A Federal Tax lien is the IRS’s way of securing their interest in your personal property.

If you fail to pay the taxes owed, they will find a way to secure payment using your assets. In contrast to a levy, a lien will not happen right away. A lien can be attached to your property

  • Home, Car, Boat etc.

But not utilized until the sale of that asset takes place.

How Can A Tax Lien Affect You?

A tax lien can also stop you from being able to refinance or sell your personal assets. Just because a lien isn’t used right away does not mean that it should be ignored. A tax lien can mean that more aggressive collection action is right behind it. A tax levy would take place after a lien is filed, if no payments are made to satisfy the past due federal taxes. A Tax Levy is a method used to obtain funds to pay the past due tax liability. Before any levy actions can occur, the IRS will send you a notice.

Tax Liability Relief

Don’t Ignore The Situation

This notice will make you aware that the levy action is about to take place if no contact with the IRS is made. Levies are most commonly placed on your personal assets. The assets that the IRS targets are your wages, bank accounts and tax refunds that you may receive from the federal or state taxing authorities. Wage garnishment means that the IRS will send a letter to your employer and request that a certain amount be held from your paycheck each pay period to satisfy the tax liability.
Making This Mistake

Can Cause Several Problems

This wage garnishment will remain in effect until you call the IRS. Once you place a call to the IRS, they will ask you to resolve your account over the phone with financial data. If a resolution can not be achieved, the wage garnishment will stay in place until your tax liability is paid in full. When a levy is imposed against your bank account, the IRS will freeze all the funds you have available in that account.
Tax Liability Relief
Tax Liability Relief
Contact Omni Tax Help Directly

If You See This

This means that strategically dealing with the IRS as well as a formal resolution will need to be made before you are able to request that those funds be released. Usually the bank will hold the funds in the account for 21 days before releasing it to the IRS. The IRS has also started denying, revoking or taking away the use of a passport, due to the tax liability being “seriously delinquent”. This means that the balance you owe is more than $50,000. If this happens to you, you should promptly call a tax expert to settle the matter on your behalf or contact the IRS directly

Omni Tax Help Specialty

If you find that you have the means to make monthly payments, then there are plenty of options to set up an Installment Agreement with the IRS. This type of result will also depend on your financial ability to pay and can offer terms over 60, 72- or 84-month payment plans. There is a way to provide financial data to the IRS and fight to achieve the most affordable payment option for you. Omni Tax Help Specializes in saving our clients the most money possible and make paying the back taxes a breeze in the park rather than a nightmare that won’t go away. When setting up an Installment Agreement you will still be held accountable to pay off the total tax liability that is owed plus all penalties and interest that will be added to the balance during the terms of your payment schedule.

Tax Liability Relief

Omni Tax Help Special Offer

Your tax liability can be settled once it is assessed to your account. You know that the liability has been assessed when you start receiving the notices in the mail. The overall best way to avoid owing money to the IRS would be to pay your tax liability off when you file your tax returns. We know this may be hard for most working taxpayers. Usually there is not enough money on hand at the time of filing to satisfy the balance that is due. Don’t lose hope! If this is a situation you find yourself in year after year then tax liability forgiveness could be exactly what you need. One of the major tax liability relief programs that the IRS offers is an Offer in Compromise.

This program will allow you to settle your tax liability for a portion of what is owed.

  • It all depends on your financial ability.
  • Once the request is accepted the IRS will reduce the total tax liability owed.
  • Once the liability is reduced you will be able to pay off the rest of the amount in a lump sum payment or through monthly installments.
  • Although this sounds like the best type of relief, it is not always easy to qualify for an Offer in Compromise.

The IRS will take into account your income, living expenses, equity in assets, and overall ability to pay.

Tax Liability Relief

Omni Tax Help Knows The Best Strategy

All these factors will be examined when you apply. The IRS will not make it easy to get an Offer in Compromise accepted but, it is not unrealistic if you have the right help and meet all the requirements. Don’t let any unknown factors make you steer away from receiving tax liability relief with a skilled tax company. If the Offer in Compromise does not fit your current situation there may be other routes that can be taken for you to achieve relief. Omni Tax Helps offers special tax strategies that will best fit your financial needs.

How Penalties Really Work

Once an installment Agreement is achieved, you can request relief from the penalties and any associated interest that have been added to your account. Most common penalties are derived from late-filing and late-paying of the tax. There are many different types of penalties such as not prepaying the tax, accuracy-related penalty, failure to deposit as well as any other miscellaneous penalty that would be added to your account. Penalties are assessed on an individual level and based on the current situation that caused them. Asking For relief from the penalties is known as a “penalty abatement”. A penalty abatement is designed to lower your overall tax amount.
Tax Liability Relief

Once the penalties and associated interest are removed, you will only have to pay back the principal tax that was assessed. The IRS has instant programs that allow relief from the penalties attached to the first year that you owe, with no questions asked. This request is known as a first-time penalty abatement. The penalties that will be removed with this request are zoned in to only be failure to file, failure to pay and failure to deposit penalties.

If you have been assessed any other penalties, and are looking for the first-time abatement relief, it will not be granted. You qualify for first time abatement relief by having no penalties assessed to you for three years prior to the first year that you owe.The IRS is very lenient in approving this request. If there are additional penalties for other years that you owe, then in order to request relief from them you will need to write a well prepared story with your request. There are over seven different reasonable causes that will qualify you for relief of penalties. You must make sure that each year you are requesting relief has a reasonable cause explanation. A penalty abatement request can cover all the years that you owe.

We are the Experts

Omni Tax help is subject to the IRS and state taxing authority rules and certain eligibility needs. Tax liability relief is based on your financial data and personal situations. Based on the information submitted you may not qualify for all services but with the expert tax agents working by your side you will achieve the best resolution possible. The timeframe it takes to resolve your account as well as the option for certain resolutions is based on your prompt attention to the tax liability matter. You must be able to provide your agent with all documents and any other materials needed to complete the job timely. The information must be accurate, true and correct in order to minimize the amount of time needed to strategically deal with the IRS. Omni Tax helps’ fees to perform tax resolution will vary on the amount of work that is needed to bring your tax liability issue to closure.
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